Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 29-30 March 2022
* Track crew, the crew continued prep for Trout Brook Station track lay.
Ties were cut/bundled more joint bars selected/loaded and tamping began
on the engine house leads. (Brian W, Steve L, Leon, Scott , Paul)
* Engine house crew, work continues on headers beams and ballasting the
the track leads. (Brendan, Fred, Stewart)
* Shop crew, vacuum brake work continues (Jonathan, Randy)
* Coach #9 assembly/build continues (Eric, Ron)
* Trout Brook Station surveying (Jason, Randy)
* Archives (Linda) Gift shop/mail on going (Cindy R)
* Oiling/lubrication rolling stock (Phil B)
* Track crew, crew moved the crane, rail support cars to Trout Brook Station.
(Steve L, Dan, Leon, Brian W, Jonathan, Scott)
Crew finished tamping engine house leads. (Dan, Leon, Brian, Scott, Steve L)
* Engine house crew, crew continues work and ballast/grades leads. (Fred, Brendan, Stewart)
* Coach #9 assembly continues (Eric,Ron)
* Trout Brook Station surveying (Randy, Leon)
* Oiling/ lubrication rolling stock (Phil B)
Notes: Being in and out I may have missed someone.