* Track work, track continues to work on ice problems at crossings, Open car #130 moved
into the SS yard as a back up coach. (Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Chuck, Scott H)
* Shop work, vacuum brakes design/build continues (Jonathan, Randy)
* Loco #9 test run, training for Bryce, Jay and Joe Monty (Jason)
* Track work, salting of crossings and ice work, (Steve Lx, Brian W)
* Shop work, vacuum brake work continues (Jonathan, Randy)
* Vehicle repair, #52 air line issue resolved (Jonathan, Brian W, Steve Lx)
* Running inspection of Combine #14 (Jason, Steve Lx, Brian W)
* Archives work (Linda)
* Gift shop/mail is continually working (Cindy R)
Note: Fred was in both days to insure everyone was working and not sitting around the kitchen.