STORM PLAN for predicted January 28, 2022 blizzard.
The current forecast for tomorrow, Saturday 1/28/22 calls for a blizzard of 12-20” snow accumulation with strong winds.
We plan to open the railroad on Tuesday/ Wednesday February 1/2, 2022. This will include plowing the main, sidings at AC and ToM, then opening SS yard tracks (prioritizing those required for Steam & Sleighs operations. Thursday/Friday February 3/4 remain back up days for extended clean up operations. Also- both steam locomotives will be prepared and test fired in the same period of time.
These clearing operations will be complicated not only by the quantity of snow but by it’s predicted fluffiness- resulting in drifting and falling back in behind the plow and flanger. We also expect more crossing clearing challenges. For these reasons a large crew will help greatly. If you’re available please consider joining us. We are carefully watching thaw/freeze cycles between the storm and the clean out date- Tuesday is the first thaw. This is important in timing clearing operations.
If anyone is available and interested in helping before Tuesday- it would be FABULOUS to have SS switches cleaned to bare rail. The the greater width and length of cleared snow around switch points and frogs the less likely these areas are to fill back in. However, please DO NOT attempt railroad plowing operations on your own accord. We have carefully planned our clearing operations- trying to get a head start could adversely affect our plans and could be dangerous if something unexpected happens.
STEAM & SLEIGHS to SeaLyon Farm (nearly sold out public trains) commences Saturday, February 5, 2022. For the good of our railroad, our partners and our patrons, next week’s clearing operations are critical!
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help! Narrow Gauge winter railroading at its finest is coming our way!
Jason, 1/28/22
Edit: January to February- thanks for pointing that out to a couple of you..