Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 7-8 December 2021
* Track crew, Service track lead finished lined, spiked, bolted for turn table.
(Steve Leet, Brian W, Paul, Leon, Randy)
Yard switching, B&SR #16 moved out, loaded and going to Portland
Rolling stock moved around and stationed on various tracks. (Steve L, Chuck)
Winter Prep completed, TOM, Tower N Yard switches covered
(Steve L, Brian W, Steve Leet)
Shop work, Vacuum brakes design/build continues (Jonathan, Dave P)
Passenger car truck rebuild continues (Jerry,Carlos
Archives (Linda), Gift shop/mail (Cindy R) work continues
Engine Hse Build continues (Brendan, Fred, Stewart, JB Smith)
Loco #9 Boiler maintenance in progress (Jason, Roger, Wes C)
Rolling Stock oiling/greasing (Phil B)
* Track Crew, Replacing air lines on #52 plow/flanger (Steve L, Dan)
Engine Hse, Build continues (Brendan, Fred)
Coach #9, Build of roof continues (Eric, Ron)
Shop work, Vacuum brakes design/manufacture (Jonathan)
Loco #9 Boiler maintenance (Jason, Roger)
Admin, On going work (Randy)
Archives, Work on going (Linda)