Tuesday was light on volunteers. Brian W., Steve Leet, Bryce, Linda and myself. Brian was shoveling the ramp and stairs around the house when I showed up. I used Dave Allens dozer and plowed the parking lots and what I could around the shop.
After Jason arrived, we hatched a plan. Steve had come all that way and wanted to stay until atleast mid-afternoon to make the most of his trip. He, Jason and Bryce headed to the shop to work on the pedestals for stall 1 of the Engine House.
Brian and I worked on the loader then our dozer. We got all the bottom rolls off as well as the spring and top roll bracket from the right side. We broke one bolt, and I found a crack in one spot, so we started removing the framework for that with the torque power of Bryce. One bolt to go. Going to need heat.
Over in the shop, Jason had set up all pedestals for quick welding. So quick, I did not get a shot of them. End of the day..
I was helping Jason with the new wire feed, making some adjustments, and Jason was testing it out. I think to say he likes the wire feed is an understatement. A much needed tool.