Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 24-25 August 2021.
* Track work, Big Joe had a minor repair to a tamping hammer and it was back to work
completing 4 more joints, lifted, ballasted and tamped. Further the ML&M switch was
lifted and hand tamped, this area will need another lift. The day ended with ballasting a
small erosion spot north of the Jane Way Crossing.
(Steve L, Dan, Leon, Jared, Chuck, Steve Leet)
* Shop work, Jackson Sharp truck work begins (Jerry, Carlos, Jason)
Vacuum brake work, (Johnathan and Randy)
* Tamper/Brookville work continues (Jay B)
* Coach #9 assembly continues (Eric, Ron, Lou)
* Alna Center mowing, (Fred, Randy)
* General maintenance and clean up ( Stewart, Fred, Randy)
* Gift shop and Archives work (Cindy R, Linda)
* Midcoast Conservancy joint work day. Work completed included members help build new trail
bridges from parking lot to track right of way, weed whacking along east side of track from trail end
Trout Brook Bridge, some 20 fence post holes dug, set and tamped between trail track crossing south
to the north end of bridge, fencing to be added next week, pedestrian track crossing built .
Steve L, Steve Leet, Brian W, Chuck, Bill R, JB Smith, Paul and Elijah, Isobel from Midcoast and
two new volunteers Steve Gaskin and Ed who I don’t remember his last name.
* Turn table test hole completed, (Jason, Steve Leet, Brian W, Bill R, JB Smith, Paul, Elijah.
* Shop work, Vacuum brakes, Trout Brook Bridge railing. (Randy, Jonathan)
* Coach #9 assembly continues, (Eric, Ron)
* Sheepscot campus mowing and Maintenance, trash run, (Fred, Stewart)
* Gift shop ( Cindy R)
* Tamper/Brookville work, (Jay B)
NOTE: I am sure I missed people. Note the work completed was under the hottest days this summer.