Work completed for Tuesday and Wednesday 31 August and 1 September 2021.
* The work performed on Tuesday has already been posted. Noted was the completion
of the fencing along the west side of the road bed separating the hiking trail from the
road bed. Signage, a kiosk and bridge railing will complete most of this project.
(Steve Leet, Brian W, Paul, Elijah, Randy)
* Shop, Flanging work continues, (Jason, Rick, Gordon, Brendan
* Wood shop, work was being performed in the Machine Shop Bay #4 (Eric, Ron)
* Shop, Vacuum brake work continues (Johnathan, Randy)
* Shop Annex, set up work continues (Wayne and his wife)
* Tamper, work/repairs continue (Jay B)
* Archives, (Linda)
Note: I’m sure some volunteers were missed, I am in North Carolina attending the Narrow Gauge
Convention, various WW&F handouts have been placed on display.