Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 10-11 August 2021.
* Track work, from mile post #7 traveling north to the southern crib near TOM, ballast was put down
and 15 joints were raised and tamped. (Brian W, Steve Leet, Nichol, Leon, Jared, Steve L)
* Shop work, two more wheel sets were pressed. (Jerry, Jason)
* Locomotive #9, cross head pipe work and maintenance, I expect Jason will give a better description.
(Roger, Wes C, Jason, Randy, Jerry)
* Mowing Alna Center, (Fred, Randy)
* Coach clean up, ash pit clean out, trailer painting (Cody, Peter)
* Coach #9 assembly continues (Lou)
* Gift shop work (Cindy R)
* Rolling stock journal box oiling, (Phil)
* General campus maintenance, (Brendan, Stewart)
* Tamper (Wilma) repairs, (Jay B)
* Track work, the remainder 7 joints were lifted and tamped, ballast loaded on 2 flats.
(Steve L, Brian W, Dan, Nick (Dan’s nephew), Paul, Elijah).
* Locomotive #9, Maintenance/repairs (Roger, Wes C)
* Sheepscot mowing (Fred)
* Bridge Work, railing and fence assessment, weed whacking (Randy)
* Trash run (Stewart)
* Gift shop work (Cindy R), Archives work
* Trout Brook turn table moved to parking lot for adjustments and reconfiguration.
(Brendan, Steve L, Brian W)
* Yard switching (Ed, Jason)