Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 15-16 June 2021
* Flat #118, #9 Boiler removed, Benches installed (Steve L, Jonathan, Jay B)
* Shop work, the shop was busy with multiple projects going on.
Bay #1 was getting the over head crane installed while Bay#3 was getting
the over head crane bridge changed out.
(Jerry, Carlos, Rick, Gordon C, Jason)
* Shop work, machine rearranging.
(Jason, Jay B, Jonathan, Gordon C, Steve L)
* Shop work, the small lathe was removed and stationed by the container.
Made a lot more working room. (Jerry, Carlos, Rick, Jonathan, Steve L)
* Truck unloading, steel for #11, containers for the electric shed.
(Jason, Steve L, Jonathan, Rick)
* Brookville work continued (Jay B)
* Looks like the Tool Shed shingling is completed. (Stewart)
* Coach #9 work continues (Eric, Ron)
* Box car rebuild continues (Marcel)
* Campus clean up, Fred
* Round/Engine house, Brendan
* Dairy car #65 moved to Wiscasset and set for display
(ML&MW crew, Brendan, Rick, Gordon C, Steve L)
* Yard switching/car movement, Locomotive #4 moved to loading ramp, #67 to Woods track,
Caboose #554 to Shop lead #3. Two Box cars moved to ML&MW. (Steve L, Dan, Chuck)
* Shop work, over head crane work continues/completed (Rick, Gordon C, Jason)
* Brookvillle work continues (Jay B)
* Coach #9 assembly continues (Eric, Ron)
* Flat #118, Coach 2, Caboose 320 clean up (Pete and Cody)
* Round/Engine house work continues. (Brendan, Fred)
I left after lunch, I’m sure more was completed.