A few photos taken today.
Dan Malkowski, who led today's tie replacement work, admires a Maine Central conductor's box recently acquired by Stewart Rhine. Stewart had another name for the box, which I can't remember.

Dan briefed Tie and Dine volunteers before the day's work started.

Three teams performed the work today: Dan (left) led the bad tie removal work; Dana Deering (right) led the installation and spiking of new ties; and Jason Lamontagne (center) led the tamping crew.

Jacks were used to lift the rails to make removal of bad ties a bit easier.

Dana's crew followed, inserting and spiking to new ties.

While waiting on the first new ties to be installed. Jason had the tamping crew work in the Sheepscot north yard. The ramp/woods track leading out of the car barn bay 3 switch was out of level. Here jacks are set and the west rail was raised.

With the west rail raised, Bryce Weeks ran the tamper as shovelers added stone.

Meanwhile, Bill Piche and Nicole Ormanski repaired the car barn bay 3 switch.

With the north yard work done, the tamping crew moved out onto the main line. Bryce Weeks is running Big Joe just south of Jayne's Way crossing shortly before lunch. By this time, the tie replacement crews had moved on north of the crossing.

Late morning, just south of Jayne's Way.

By lunchtime, No. 52's work train, trailing Big Joe, had reached Jayne's Way crossing.

A view of the crews working just north of Jayne's Way before lunch.

Back at Sheepscot, Museum president Dave Buczkowski thanked today's volunteers during lunch.

A casualty of the day's work.

In the afternoon, the work train picked up the bad ties, loaded onto flatcar No. 126.

Other work included the cutting of brush along the main line between the Sheepscot north yard switch and Jayne's Way. Shortly after 3 p.m., the work train crew patiently waited for Stewart to finish painted the dairy car, before moving the car out of the way for the 4 p.m. dinner train.

The 4 p.m. train to Top of Mountain and dinner at Alna Center consisted of No. 9, ML&MW open car No. 130, WW&F coach No. 8 and WW&F caboose No. 320.

Nancy Weeks and the kitchen crew provided a nice lunch and dinner today. Here volunteers enjoyed dinner in the Alna Center pavilion.

After dinner, Dana regaled the crowd with the story of Gagnon, Moose Callaire Extraordinaire.

Bill Piche helped out No. 9 to bed at the end of the day.

Glad to see many new faces today. Sorry I didn't catch many names.