Author Topic: Looking for travel buddy/buddies for Victorian Iron Horse Festival CT&S Aug.21  (Read 1769 times)

Thor Windbergs

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Dear Narrow Minded People,

I am an original Colorado Narrow Gauger, have been in Germany for 21 years now, last visited Colorado in 2009. I so wanted to show my 10-year-old son my Colorado Narrow Gauge home. But there are no immunizations for kids until 2022 here in Germany and due to a separation I can't and won't risk his health.

But I don't want to miss the once in a lifetime Victorian Iron Horse Festival on the CT&S in August 2021. I've decided to go alone, I credit from flights from the cancelled trip in 2020 with United and Lufthansa, flights are too bad from Germany to Denver. But the rental cars are crazy and single occupancy motel/hotels are also dumb.

So is anyone out there going to Colorado for about 2 weeks around 20th of August to 1st-3rd September, that would care to take me into their fold. I'm a pretty agreeable guy, after living with my wife for 19 years, I can live with anyone for 2 weeks. I do snore, though. But I have other positive traits to recommend me as a travel partner.

Do you have any friends that would be interested in „hooking up“ for gratitidious foaming?😝

I could offer you a matchmaker finders fee as incentive “Foaming Bachelor” program.😜
Facebook: Thor Windbergs
Volunteer G&L RR 86-88
Fireman/Engine Watchman D&S 90-94
Member Frankfurter Feldbahn Musuem,
Member IFPPC (Society for Preservation of Perus Pirapora Railroad) Brazil
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