Sandy River replica #24 has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Stephen Hussar wrote:There certainly seems to be great interest in the Maine 2-footers "across the pond." This half-sized SR&RL #24 replica was built in 1990 at the Fairbourne Coast Light Railway, originally a 15" gauge horsedrawn tramway dating back to 1898. The line was converted in recent years to 12.25" gauge steam railway. No. 24 is now located at the 15" gauge Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway.

(Photo: John Tasker)
Here are her vital statistics:
Privately owned and currently based on the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway.
Gauge - 15"
Length 23ft, height 6ft, width 4ft 3in
Weight (empty) - 5 ton
Coal capacity - 5 cwt
Water capacity - 230 gallons.
Driving wheels - 14"
Other wheels - 10"
Boiler pressure - 175psi
Boiler diameter - 20"
Cylinders - 5.94" x 8"
Valve Gear - Walschaerts
Tractive effort - 3000 lb.
Designed by John Ellerton and built at Fairbourne Railway workshops 1990.

(Bottom 2 photos: photographer unknown)
gordon cook replied:Interesting that the Tractive Effort works out as being very close to #10's. I would think that she would be a little slippery if the weight is correct, especially if the sand dome is missing as in 2 of the pictures!
A very classy looker, though.
After 11, a prairie anyone?
Gordon Cook
gordon cook replied:In case anyone is in the market, you can own a G scale live steam model of the SRRL 24 for about $4000. Google 'Roundhouse Models' and drool.
James Patten replied:I'm of the opinion that #11 should be a prairie, because there are no surviving Maine 2 footer prairies. Then #12 could be a #7 replica.
However a prairie is probably way too much locomotive for us, unfortunately. Unless we rebuild Wiscasset to Whitefield.
Steve Zuppa replied:and who says we can't? God, if the history( of the museum) has proven anythin, it has proven that we can DO anything.
Steve Zuppa replied:Don't forget; we've got James and Jason and Gordon and Rick and Vern and when we need him; Brian and probably others ,too. Do you REALLY think that there is ANYTHING we can't accomplish?
Steve Zuppa replied:DREAM LARGE!!!!!!
Glenn Christensen replied:Hi Guys,
Attached is the #24 Web page URL.
Best Regards,