The centerline of the service track clears the corner of the engine house by 5’, providing a 10’ loading gauge window. This is the same as the width of the shop doors, and the new doors into stall 1 of the enginehouse.
The service track required a 25 degree curve for the layout to work. The 25 degree curve will be constructed to 24-1/2” gauge. Doing so should allow access by all equipment- however this will be carefully and directly confirmed after construction. Recall that that historically the sharpest main line curve on the WW&F was 20 degrees- we are quite certain there were sharper yard track curves (such as the one just north of the shop in Wiscasset).
The intent is that the service track (all the way to barn 1 switch) be kept clear of parked equipment so it is available for servicing locomotives and accessing the north yard (and the turntable from the north yard). As a norm, trains or equipment shouldn’t be parked so as to block this usage- though I’m sure we’ll have some exceptions based on circumstance.