Hello All:
Tom Werb from Preston, Connecticut, and WW&F member #452.
I got "hooked" on 2-Foot-Gauge after reading an 18-page article on the SR&RL in 'Trains' magazne in 1965.
Lin Moody's book and the others that followed fueled the fire.
I started building On2 in the late 1970s when I discovered Bob Werner's "Portland Products" and Peter Barney's
"Sandy River Car Shop" kits. My On2 Kingfield module has all handlaid track, covered station, enginehouse, car
shop, and general store. Freight cars are SRCS kits or scratchbuilt; locos are from Custom Brarss & Car Shop.
I have not built much in the last 6 - 8 years, as the wife's health problems keep me busy every day.
However, I did discover Microsoft "Train Simulator" and have been building 'computer-models' of narrow-gauge
locos and cars for 4 - 5 years. It keeps my interest in model-building going and it's easy to stop at any time
and pick up the project later.
Recently, an MSTS modeler from Munich, Chrisitan Schroder, built the complete Monson RR for MSTS and I
contributed ALL the rolling stock: (

boxcars, (13) flatcars, Plow, SnowSpreader, and Combine.
Then, Christian laid ALL the trackage for the SR&RL (ca 1920) from Farmington, to Rangeley and Bigelow!
I sent him some vintage USGS maps from the 1930s that showed the old trackage. I now have a list of
MSTS modelling projects for years to come.
I've been following the rebuilding/restoration of #9 and hope to make a trip up to Alna to see her in steam.
Tom Werb