Author Topic: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves  (Read 227737 times)

Ira Schreiber

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2009, 03:16:24 PM »
Welcome Leonard.
As a former Philadelphian, by default,(defaut being I grew up on the Jersey side of the Delaware River), The Baldwin Locomotive Works was located in Eddystone, PA, about 2/3rd the way between Philadelphia and Chester. I went by it a number of times on the streetcar.
The world of two footers is both facinating and challenging and I hope you become an active part of it.
Ira Schreiber, displaced in Colorado

Dave Buczkowski

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2009, 10:38:54 PM »
Welcome aboard! Do you live in Maine? You should drop in some Saturday.

Ed Deere

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2009, 05:47:38 PM »
       I have been viewing the Discussion Forum for some time and thought it would be great to comment and ask questions on some of the topics.   My knowledge is limited on the subject of railroading, but have enjoyed model railroading for years. My wife and I do have a garden railroad in the back yard (G-Scale) and are currently redecorating a box and a tank car with the Bridgton & Saco River lettering. A LGB Forney is on order and will receive the same treatment as well.  Most likely it will be numbered with the #5

   And I have been known to chase trains, just to see them go by again. And have visited a few abandoned rail beds looking for that forgotten spike or date nail. And my wife and I paddled into the Maine North Woods, with our friends, finding the two faded locomotives of times past. And of course we have frequented the WW & F, SR&RL, Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad and the Seashore Trolley Museum.

   Trains are not my only pursuit. Antique engines, tractors and autos round out my register of passions.  I like the verity of interest to keep me busy. And the friends I meet along the way are always of interest.

Hans Brandes

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2009, 11:36:55 AM »
Ok, I'll throw in my two cents:

I'm Hans Brandes and am currently a licensed steam engineer, fireman, conductor and trainman at MNGRR. I also do track work and work in the engine house having taken part in bringing MRR #4 up to FRA standards and now briinging B&SR #7 back to life. I am also currently a Fireman for CN 7470, a Trainman and MOW worker over at Conway Scenic. And now I have started to slowly accumulate on the ground hours towards the 150 man hour requirement so that hopefully I can some year be one of the train/engine crew when the second steam engine comes on line.

Living near Portland, brought me to MNGRR by proximity as I wanted to learn more practical skills to balance my desk job at Bath Iron Works. It's pretty amazing what you can learn (how to use an acetylene torch, drive a bucket loader, etc.). Having come through the ranks fueled my interest and thirst for knowledge of railroads. This lead to expanding my railroading addiction to Conway Scenic to learn larger steam, driving hy-railers, learning to operate tie extractors, etc. It's easy if you are willing to listen and work with those who have the knowledge.

Having the B&SR 7 boiler at Alna has made me the self elected volunteer who lives closest to the boiler. So there have been many a day up there, cutting, grinding, needle scaling, etc. I had started keeping up on the happenings of WW&F on this forum and started to appreciate all the great progress that has been accomplished by dedicated volunteers that are part of an all volunteer organization. This means that contributions go towards maintenance, restoration, expansion and improvement with minimal overhead. So this month I became a Life Member to help this good cause. The 5 year plan is exciting: 4 miles of track, yard expansion, roundhouse. What's not to like?

So what have I done for WW&F so far? Cut weeds and hauled a tractor. MOW work can be perceived as menial but the reward is that it is the best way to learn a ROW on a railroad. So this type of work I have done and still do at Conway and MNGRR. Good track is the backbone of a well operated railroad. I bring this up as there is a message here. The best volunteers are those willing to do most anything, especially shop and MOW work. Volunteers that can work with the tools are very valuable. Shoot, at MNGRR there are only a few of us who know how to use the torch and/or drive a bucket loader.

At WW&F I have had the pleasure to meet more and more of you at track work weekends, annual meeting, etc. I keeping liking what I see. Keep doing what you are doing. A growing narrow gauge railroad on an historic ROW is a gem and WW&F is the model.


Henrik Dorbeck

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2010, 06:09:40 PM »
Hi there Guys,

I am totally new to this group. My name is Henrik Dorbeck and I hail from a very sunny Auckland, New Zealand. Although I do not know alot about the railway and Maine 2 footers in general I have had an active interest in the lines in the area. This forum seemed to be the ideal way of learning about them. I have been a railway modeller for many years mainly Austrian narrow gauge but lately Lynton & Barnstaple Railway in England ( getting closer  ;D). I have been collecting books about the little lines of Maine for quite a while and have lately even found some DVD's of them in their last days. Just stunning!! I have an interest in anything narrow gauge and these take it all to a spectacular scale I feel. Thanks for letting me in and I hope to be an active member from afar- might even get over there one day ;D ;D ;D

James Patten

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2010, 07:02:20 AM »
Welcome aboard, Henrik.  If you're looking for Maine Narrow Gauge prototype videos, the WW&F Museum put out "Riding the Maine Two Footers", footage of local Gus Pratt from 1934-5, 1939, and 1946-7.  We sell them, but I also noticed them the other day on the Australian Light Rail Research Society website.  I suspect shipping will be a little more bearable from Australia than from Maine.  :D

There's also current day videos on the WW&F, Maine Narrow Gauge Museum, and SR&RL put out by Black 5 Productions (which we also sell).

Just see the Gift Shop section of the website for more info.

Henrik Dorbeck

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2010, 05:36:26 PM »
Yes I have just spotted those ones too thanks. Good to know there is somewhere else to obtain them from. I am a member of the LRRSA in Australia. They put out a very good mag on a 2 monthly basis. Well worthwhile being a member of the outfit.


Henry Stahle

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2010, 02:20:11 PM »
My name is Henry Stahle, Jr.  I usually go by the nickname of Hank.
My interested in Maine two foot railroads began in 1963 when I worked at Pleasure Island in Wakefield Massachusetts.  That summer, and again in 1964, I was a conductor on the train ride.  The engine and rolling stock were supplied by Edaville Railroad.  The steam engine was Edaville’s number 5, now your number 10.  We called her Betsy.  The second conductor was James Ickes from Wakefield.  The fireman was William Robie from Reading.  The engineer was Paul Caurea (I am uncertain of the spelling) from South Carver. 
I am really pleased that Betsy is still allive and running.  :D I hope to get to Alna for some volunteer work this summer. It is a four hour ride from where I live in Clinton, Massachusetts

Glenn Christensen

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2010, 10:24:12 PM »
Hi there Guys,

I have been a railway modeller for many years mainly Austrian narrow gauge

Hi Henrik,

Do you have any particular favorites among the Austrian lines?

Best Regards,

Tim Hairston

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2010, 03:58:25 PM »
About time for me to throw my story into this...

I'm Tim Hairston, I am 14 years old and I live just north of Boston and often ride my bike down to the B&M tracks about 2 miles away from my place. I have been a railfan my whole life and have been going up to Maine every summer my whole life. I always loved to ride the train at Boothbay, and it still doesn't get old. It must have been around '99 or 2000 when we heard about the WW&F. My first ride was behind engine 52 in coach 3. It's always been fun to watch the track expand every year and the museum grow. I've been doing the annual membership for about 5 years now, eventually i'll get the lifetime. I got into filming and photography about a year and a half ago. While I mostly photograph Pan Am and other railroads around my area, I photograph whatever I can. While I prefer steam, of course, I'll put up with diesels just fine. I'm pretty much into all kinds of railroading except subways and stuff like that.

If anyone is interested in watching some of my videos, here's a link to my page on youtube.

Hope everyone has a great summer

Andy Small

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2010, 04:19:26 PM »

Andy Small from Westerly, Rhode Island. I've been visiting the museum when I can since 2008. I'm a model railroader with the NBR&N On30 modular group (International) and am in the process of starting up a small Narrow Gauge and Waterline Ship Model Kit Company specializing in WW&F On30 freight cars and Small Tramp Steamers in O and HO Scale. My first kit (W&Q boxcar) just went into production, to be followed closely by a W&Q flatcar. After that it's on to the modern day WW&F with Boxcar 309. Just needs a clear photo of the tin roof to complete. Eventually I hope to produce the vast majority of WW&F freight for On30 (should work for On2).

Really looking forward to participating in this forum.


Craig "Red" Heun

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2010, 06:20:12 PM »

Hello All

My name is Craig Heun, but I go by Red. Okay well maybe I was Red once upon a time. Hair, what is left of it, is white and gray, but I still go by Red.

I grew up in NJ right next to the line that went to the Jersey Shore, pretty much Perth Amboy to Bay Head.  Like every other kid in the world who lived near a railroad we used to play on or near the tracks and on abandoned sidings that sometimes would have an old boxcar that was pulled up to the local hardware and feed store. This was when the area I lived in NJ still had some farms and woods, before all the mass development, so the train would bring in feed and supplies. Once when I was about 10, a train was sent to pick up one of the freight cars from the hardware store (for you out there in cyber space and viewing from NJ, the hardware store was Swartzel’s on Holmdel Road…now Hazlet Train Station, but I digress]). The engineer, told us his name was Keebo. Well to a bunch of 8-12 year olds that sounded like a real railroader’s name.   Keebo drove my friends and me up and down the track for about a mile and back several times. We thought we were railroad men for the next few years, or at least until the next cool thing grabbed our interest.

As a kid I went to Steamtown, when it was in Bellows Falls Vt. I believe it was somewhere around 1970. I was like Disneyland for me and my 2 brothers. That same summer we also discovered Clark’s Trading Post and thought we were hot stuff when the Engineer allowed us to ride in the cab and put a log in the firebox. A bunch of  real railroad men again!

After that I had no more real fun contact with trains except for transportation and the set of Lionel under my Christmas tree.  Okay, I did have contact with trains, but like I said not the fun kind of contact. I had contact in the literal sense. I was in a car train accident on March 3, 1978. I was a passenger in a 67 Mustang that slid through a crossing in a snow storm and into the path of an oncoming Conrail passenger train. I got thrown out and hit with both.  Score was Conrail - 2 Ford - 0. However, we did manage to derail the Conrail later down the track (broken wheel I was told) so maybe it was closer to Conrail -2  Ford – 1.

So anyway, even after getting whacked and spending 4 months in the hospital I still have a pretty healthy interest in trains, especially stream.  I just completed steam school at Boothbay Railway Museum taught by Brain. I found it very worthwhile, informative and fun.  I recently volunteered for two days of the work weekend equally as informative and fun, great bunch of people.

I hope to continue to volunteer as often as possible and look forward to additional learning, and in whatever way I can help the WW&F fulfill its mission.

Thanks for letting me ramble


Tom Werb

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2010, 07:15:31 PM »
Hello All:
Tom Werb from Preston, Connecticut, and WW&F member #452.
I got "hooked" on 2-Foot-Gauge after reading an 18-page article on the SR&RL in 'Trains' magazne in 1965.
Lin Moody's book and the others that followed fueled the fire.
I started building On2 in the late 1970s when I discovered Bob Werner's "Portland Products" and Peter Barney's
"Sandy River Car Shop" kits.  My On2 Kingfield module has all handlaid track, covered station, enginehouse, car
shop, and general store.  Freight cars are SRCS kits or scratchbuilt; locos are from Custom Brarss & Car Shop.
I have not built much in the last 6 - 8 years, as the wife's health problems keep me busy every day.
However, I did discover Microsoft "Train Simulator" and have been building 'computer-models' of narrow-gauge
locos and cars for 4 - 5 years.  It keeps my interest in model-building going and it's easy to stop at any time
and pick up the project later.
Recently, an MSTS modeler from Munich, Chrisitan Schroder, built the complete Monson RR for MSTS and I
contributed ALL the rolling stock: (8) boxcars, (13) flatcars, Plow, SnowSpreader, and Combine. 
Then, Christian laid ALL the trackage for the SR&RL (ca 1920) from Farmington, to Rangeley and Bigelow!
I sent him some vintage USGS maps from the 1930s that showed the old trackage.   I now have a list of
MSTS modelling projects for years to come.
I've been following the rebuilding/restoration of #9 and hope to make a trip up to Alna to see her in steam.
Tom Werb
Tom Werb

Pete "Cosmo" Barrington

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2010, 11:32:21 PM »
Hi Tom,
what a surprise! I may have just driven right by your house an hour or two ago. Or not.
Anyway, I live just over in Norwich! I currently belong to the M&P club, just getting back with them after having all my time taken up by the Navy. There's a train show coming up (weekend of the 13th!) over in Oakdale at Our Lady Of The Lakes Church. I'll be there along with some of my G gauge stuff. Also, Amato's in Middletown will be having open-houses in their basement closer to the Holidays. Hope I can catch up with you and chat soon. ;)
Nice to find someone else so close!

Joseph M. Fusco

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Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2010, 04:47:50 PM »
Hey everyone,

I'm Joe Fusco. I'm a railfan, most particularly a steam enthusiast. I am a videographer and photographer, work part time at a camera store and have a decent handle on both photography and railroading. I try not to get in the way and I would like to say I know my place.

Hope to get to know all of you around here!

Here's a link to my video page:
..and also my photo album on facebook: