A little long James? I was very thankful you guys did not want to bump it to 4 for me like I asked..
Anyhow, it is not very often I am accused of cutting corners, but today it was true. We cut the very tip top of the TOM area. As James said, this opens up a whole area for our photographers. And here we go with the photos..


Before (look for Jerry in the trees)

After, Jerry in about the same spot.

And now to fill in the day.
A smokey start for Brian, Jerry and I.

Trying to catch Brian cutting the tree down with Jerry pushing as James looks on, but as you can see I was a little slow (actually Brian is that quick)

Only 1 fire today..

Looking North at the improved view.

Train time..

Brian taking a rare break..

Letting things wind down, Dave (seated) Brian and Jerry watch the fire.

And another look North after we were done (just a few more trees Jerry)

Standing on the steel culvert looking south

They are calling for snow this week, so we will wait and see what it does. A few inches will be ok for Saturday, a foot may be tough going..