WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
B&SR Box Car 56 - Official Work Thread
Mike Arnold:
What the difference between a mag phone and sound powered phones?
John McNamara:
--- Quote from: Mike Arnold on October 27, 2020, 08:06:35 PM ---What the difference between a mag phone and sound powered phones?
--- End quote ---
To be honest, I'm not really sure. I know that magneto phones use a local battery (a couple of D-cells) to power the microphone, and they signal each other by sending a 20 Hertz 90-volt signal to ring the bells, said 90 volts being generated by a hand-powered magneto in the phone (hence the name). With minor modification, magneto telephones are fully compatible with conventional telephones but rarely used that way; I doubt that's true with sound-powered phones. Now you've sent me on an internet search on sound-powered phones...
Bill Reidy:
Here's the current state of B&SR boxcar 56, as seen last Saturday, October 24th.
John Kokas:
I certainly hope that #56 will get proper tarp coverage if its not going into the shop for rebuild this winter. BTW - do we have ownership of this car now or is it on loan from MNG ???
Jeff Schumaker:
Interesting hodge-podge of material holding(?) it together. is any of the interior bracing salvageable?
Jeff S.
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