Whitefield was incorporated 200 years ago in 1809. And the property we own runs from Rt 218 (where the Kings Mills (Whitefield) Station was) to Rte 218. That's also where the Cattle crossing is that has been talked about in another thread. It's about 1/3 mile long and was given by the Chases to the WW&F Rwy Museum in the mid 90's.
Almost all of the property from the lot we own just north of the former Head Tide Station to the Chase donation is not owned today by the WW&F or the W&Q. That's basically 5 miles along the Sheepscot River and where the iron bridge crossed and the location of the last wreck - to where Rte 194 is not built on top of the grade.
That's why, when and if we reach Head Tide in 12-15 years, we will probably decide to build south towards Wiscasset as the W&Q owns all but 1800 feet of the ROW to the Wiscasset line. We only own one 400 foot stretch of the right of way in Wiscasset, and that is two lots north of the Ball field where the WW&F yards and car shop were.