Worldwide Narrow Gauges > Massachusetts' Two Footers
Remaining SR&RL, BS&R, and WW&F rolling stock and engines still at Edaville?
Mike Fox:
Bring an all metal Passenger car to the WW&F and you might end up with a mysterious pile of fresh cut scrap iron.
Duncan hit it on the head. You don't get nostalgic feel with steel. The wood won't creek every once in a while, when you shut the door, it would be more of a clunk than a thud, etc. White Pass can keep the metal. ;)
Matthew Gustafson:
--- Quote from: Stephen Hussar on January 06, 2009, 08:30:25 AM ---If I remember correctly, all of the new stuff at Edaville was built by Hamilton Mfg of Burlington, WA -- including the trucks, and extra "truck kits."
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WOW! Wish the WW&F car shop was that big!
Mike Fox:
Big shops need big money to survive. Our little shop might be crowded, but we can putter on just about anything we need to in there.
Matthew Gustafson:
--- Quote ---Also there in 2008 is Edaville caboose 554, which is a rebuilt B&HR boxcar. It doesn't seem to be in service:
--- End quote ---
I wish WW&F would one day buy this caboose because it would look cool with coach #3 & #8! Did the SR&RL made these caboose for passenger trains?
Ed Lecuyer:
Well, if you wish it, get us the money and we can talk :)
The 554 was rebuilt at Edaville from a B&H (B&SR) boxcar. Edaville converted a lot of historical rolling stock (freight cars like flats and boxcars) into various passenger hauling cars. The good news is that Edaville was (once) a very successful railroad operation/tourist attraction. The bad news is that some of the historical equipment was compromised to handle the business.
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