Completed work Tuesday July 28 and Wednesday July 29, 2020.
* Parking lot material relocation and clean up starts, large rail pile moved to rear lot.
* Switching, SRRL coaches moved to main line, flat cars staged on loading ramp.
* Shop work, various projects to include coach #3 brake plumbing and repair on brake
wheel staff, work continues on springs for #52.
* Fire wood moved and stacked, (Fred gets a new piece of rolling stock)
* Archive work on going.
* Ground clean up at SS and Alna Center.
* Painting and spruce up of SS station and gift shop.
* Locomotive #9 pilot completed
* Small engine repair on various machines.
* 14 volunteers.
* Parking lot work continues which included steering hose break down and repair.
* Flat car #34 loaded with B&SR machine shop (lathe etc.)
* Rules Review prep..
* Coach #3 plumbing continues, brake staff repaired.
* Coach #9 assembly continues
* Log splitter repaired.
* Prep for Annual picnic startes (this has been on going)
* Gift shop on line sales moving right along includes orders, pack and shipping.
* Weed whacking around Alna Center
* Rail Car gets a look over, a few repairs makes a test run to AC.
* Switching and several SS yard projects done in prep for Rules Review.
* 15 volunteers
Note: There is continual work being done at various times of the day and evening, from
Saturday through out the week to include dump runs, building repairs, vehicle repairs and finishing
little projects that seldom get noticed but helps make our railroad shine.