Hi Friends,
Every once in a while, you may notice that I have modified a post. Almost always (80-90% of the time) this is due to a glaring/embarrassing typo that my perfectionist brain simply needs to fix. I also will sometimes correct a broken link or fix a formatting issue (or topic thread title) for clarity. When these changes are made, I usually do not notify the original author.
However, every once in a while, I do have to put on a moderators cap and dial back certain comments, or hide information that the BOD has asked not to be shared, or some other sensitive topic that can not be discussed openly on this public forum. Usually, when that occurs, I notify the original author of the reasoning. However, sometimes I do forget to do this - so feel free to message me if there are any questions or concerns.
That all said, we have a great forum for open and honest communication between our members, friends, followers, and the general public. Thanks for all you do for keeping it clean of political rhetoric, unflattering comments, and the like.