This section of the forum is for public auctions to benefit the WW&F. The goal is to limit sales to WW&F enthusiasts, while avoiding the fees and hassles of online Auction houses.
You must be logged into the WW&F forum (with a valid forum account) to place an item up for bid, or to bid on an item. Museum membership is not required to bid. All donations/bids are open format (like and old-style auction hall) - no anonymous bidding.
Terms of the auction are set by the seller. The amount donated to the WW&F could be the full proceeds, or partial proceeds, depending on the intent of the donor. Time limits, minimum bids, etc., should be specified by the seller - otherwise, a no minimum bid/open-ended auction will be assumed. Payments can be made either to the museum directly, or to the seller, depending on the seller's preference.
Participants should place their bids in response to the item being offered.
Auctions are transactions between the seller and buyer - the WW&F does not warrant the items in any way. The WW&F is merely providing a mechanism (via this forum) by which a private transaction between the buyer and seller may take place.
Anyone who needs help placing an item up for bidding, or placing a bid, should email
Please have fun! And let's raise some money for the WW&F!