In the electronic copy that I viewed, the WW&F mention is on page 136 (although that particular page does not display a number). We are on the page between the numbered pages 134 and 138.
Here is a clip:

Further along, page 152 has what appears to be an ad sponsored by the Wiscasset Chamber of Commerce, and the WW&F is listed there also ....

The above is just a static screenshot, but on the 'live' page the WW&F listing shown above has a "clickable" link to the WW&F website.
On page 160, we are also listed under "ARTS AND CULTURE" !?!?
(This image is a 'thumbnail' so click the image to see larger.)
In that listing also, on the 'live' page the WW&F website URL is 'clickable'.
And on page 170 we are listed 'first'

under Museums:

(click image to enlarge)
And again, the WW&F website URL is clickable.