Mike, this wouldn't be particularly helpful transporting
concrete, but what do you think about adding a 'dump bed' capability to the Museum's pickup? It seems like the pickup (with rock / dirt) could transported on the rail wheel equipment trailer that gets used to move the dozer etc. I don't know how long the sloped end of the trailer compares to the distance of the pickup wheels to the end of the pickup bed (where the dump hinge would be), so that would need to be evaluated, or perhaps just back pickup off the trailer to dump where the roadbed permits.
Here is an example product:
https://www.piercearrowinc.com/product-category/dump-kits/I'm not promoting a specific product / vendor, the link is just for discussion.
If you thought adding that capability to the Museum's pickup would be useful (and used), we could likely find a way to pay for it. I would
not expect that the pickup would be used to haul rock from a quarry, just used to move material around the WW&F property. And yes, I understand that a dump bed on that pickup isn't going to be functional in time to use it to fix this particular culvert.