This post involves "Rock the Mountain," as it concerns magneto telephone service at TOM.
I recently purchased 1000 feet of wire with the intent of extending the magneto telephone wire further down the Mountain Extension during the Summer Work Weekend. However, I may need to use it to repair/replace a portion of the existing line. While the line works fine between Sheepscot Station and the terminal 300 feet beyond Albee’s Crossing, it does not work at the terminal 200 feet beyond Rose Wood Crossing. Needless to say, it also doesn’t work at TOM.
According to measurements I made with our wheel a few years ago, there are three terminal boxes between Albee’s crossing and Rose Wood crossing. As mentioned above, things work at the terminal 300 feet beyond Albee’s, and I think I succeeded at the terminal 750 feet beyond Albee’s. The status at the third terminal, 1222 feet beyond Albee’s (116 feet beyond MP7) is a mystery, as I can’t find the post due to very high grass.
Using the measuring wheel, I need to find a spot 1222 feet beyond Albee’s (or 116 feet north of MP7) and cut a swath (possibly with a blade trimmer) through the grass until the mystery post is sighted. A call from that post will confirm or deny service toward Sheepscot Station and limit the search for cable damage.
Unfortunately, conflicting commitments prevent me from doing that this weekend. I’ll try for the middle of some week unless some kind soul gets there first.
-John M