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Bridgton & Saco on NE Rail


Ed Lecuyer:
Bridgton & Saco on NE Rail has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic.
Information contained within this post may be superseded by more recent postings and conversations.
Mike Fox wrote:

--- Quote ---I just wanted to put this in it's own topic. I contacted Jeff Morris who is the owner/operator of NE Rail and asked him to make a Bridgton & Saco River link. On 12-26 he added it. Duncan and I have been adding pictures since and have got about 60 photos on there to date with a good mix of cuurent photos and some older slides Duncan has put on. I know NE Rail is a little slow but it is worth it and Jeff says things will get better with a few changes during the first of the year.
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Duncan Mackiewicz replied:

--- Quote ---Mike,
I've about put all the pictures I have that are interesting enough for nerail.  And yes, there are now 15 pages of nice B&H pictures.  You have some really nice current pictures of the ROW through the Hancock Brook area. Keep up the great work.
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---Hi,
Just an update. NE Rail is moving faster now. Hopefully it is for good.
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Glenn Christensen replied:

--- Quote ---Gentlemen,
I appreciate all the time you guys put into posting your photos to the B&SR page on NERAIL!  I haven't been there in quite a while, but even though it has changed a fair amount, I find I still love to see the place!
I have some older color photos I took some 20+ years ago.  It will be a while before I can scan them, but once I have, can I ask one of you guys to post them for me?
Best Regards,
--- End quote ---

Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---I'd be glad to do it for you Glenn. It's not hard. Just a little time consuming. Might not be bad now, the site seems to have gotten the promised upgrade it needed. Figures after I get done posting all those pictures. Thats how it goes. You could even do it yourself. All you need is a computer and patience. And I can't wait to see those images. Things have changed in 20 yeras.
--- End quote ---

P2c3689 replied:

--- Quote ---Mike,
I think your photos are really great. I have found the Junction yard location, but had difficulty finding where the ROW went after it crossed rte. 113.
Does anyone know who owns the old Bridgton Jct. yard site ? And the abandoned ROW heading east for that matter ?
Trevor H.
--- End quote ---

Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---the ROW climbs a bit after it leaves the junction. It is hard to see in the summer but this time of year it can be made out easily. After it is done it's climb, it goes through a series of gravel pits. A couple of the acess roads are on the grade but the elevation has been changed. I did not take any photos of that area. Probably should have. There is alway next time. Then it crosses Hancock Brook Arch. And the ROW is visible almost completely to Bridgton from there.
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Josh Botting replied:

--- Quote ---NERAIL, is always slow here.......  Dial up is nice...
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Bruce Wilson replied:

--- Quote ---I too am interested in learning the answer to Trevor's question about ownership of the Bridgton Junction yard.
Does anyone know...?
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---Maybe during my free time I can go to the Hiram Town Office and do a little research. Anyone can look at tax maps. I am going to Bridgton next week to do some research so may be I'll skip over to Hiram to see what I can find out.
--- End quote ---

Duncan Mackiewicz replied:

--- Quote ---Mike,
I'm fairly sure the owner is someone local and nearby.  When I spoke with Jack Barnes a few years ago he told me why the area was posted "no trespassing".  Evidently a previous railfan had been on the junction property when he was approached by the owner.  When asked what he was doing there the railfan apparently gave the owner a very bad time and shortly thereafter the signs went up.  Jack Barnes had told me he knew the owner and he was a reasonable person.  Looking around was not likely to be an issue as long as you were respectful if approached by the owner.
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---Duncan,
I don't remeber seeing the signs. Must have been blinded by the railroad.
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Dana Deering replied:

--- Quote ---I don't know who the owner is but I was always told that it was the man who lives in the little red house just across Rt 113 from the Junction Yard.
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---I posted a few more Photos on NE Rail today
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Duncan Mackiewicz replied:

--- Quote ---Mike,
The signs may well be long gone.  It's been a couple of years since I last was at the junction.  They were present at that time but perhaps due to a resurgence in interest with the B&H the owner took them down or the trees they were attached to grew and the signs popped off.  Gone is good. You've outdone yourself with all these pictures Mike.  Great job.
PS: I love all of the B&H discussions.
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---I have posted some more on NE Rail today.

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