Today we had the pleasure of working with 5 trainees during the 1st car host training workshop. We learned a lot from each other and every element of the training proved that many hands working together can truly produce a superior product! Thanks to everyone who participated and assisting with the training. I'll be posting the documents from the training here shortly.
I'd like to heartily welcome Lisa and Andy Gross, Dick Picard, Raija Suomela, Sonja Wyllie (who has been with the Ry many years, but not in this context) to the WW&F fold. You all brought plenty of excitement and great questions with you! Your presence has us all excited and looking
We'll be holding additional trainings the next two Saturdays March 30th and April 6th. You only need to attend one session to become qualified and we'd love to have you join the crew! Classes start at 8:00 with coffee and introductions and get underway in earnest at 8:30 we go until 11 when we break for lunch, then continue with a trip up the line after lunch.
Whether you are available every weekend, or only occasionally, consider joining us!
More classes will be offered towards the summer months for those not regularly available.
Thanks so much everyone!
See you on the narrow gauge,