The Twenty-Four-Inch Gauge RAILROAD at Bridgton, Maine has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Allan Fisher wrote:Life Member Bill McLin, son of William H. McLin and executor of his father's estate, has just given the WW&F permission to reprint The Twenty-Four-Inch Gauge RAILROAD at Bridgton, Maine.
Ellen & I will be working on this witrh a goal of having it ready for the 2007 Annual Picnic.
Need help in getting any good copies of photos that were in the book so that we can attempt to have better picture quality than the original book. Please contact me by private message if you can help.
Bill has also given the WW&F permission to reprint another Maine railroad book his father wrote.
Mike Fox replied:Allan,
That's just the way it goes. I just found an original copy on Amazon and paid more than I probably should have. Printed in 1941. Guess I'll put that one up because it is in excellent condition. Can't wait for the reprint to be done.
Stewart Rhine replied:Allan, I went through the few B&SR photos in my collection and none of them are in the book. I have an original 1941 copy of " The Twenty Four Inch Gauge Railroad at Bridgton, Maine" to compare with my photos. My copy is faded and turning yellow.
I hope you can get the book reprinted on glossy/coated paper for better photo reproduction. Have you thought of adding anything at the end of the book like photos of the B&SR engines in their later lives at Edaville or Portland?
Allan Fisher replied:I do have a pristine copy of the book - I was given it by Bill McLin in answer to a letter I wrote him when I was 12 years old. We will add an addendum telling the final outcome of the struggle, and about equipment that was saved.
Suggestions and photos are welcomed. I have a pretty good collection of B&SR/B&H photos that I have purchased over the years - and would be happy to share them with others this summer.
Stewart Rhine replied:Allan, That sounds good. Maybe Dana would write the next chapter for the new book. We all know what a wordsmith he is.
Allan Fisher replied:That would be wonderful.
Dana Deering replied:Thank you for the vote of confidence! I'd be willing to give it a shot but I would like to read the book before I try to add to it so I can make sure any contribution I might make would flow with the original text.
Mike Fox replied:Dana,
if you would like I could e-mail you a copy. Seriously. I can scan my book and e-mail it to you for proof reading purposes. It would consist of 20 pages, 2 book pages per page. I just tried it and the words are legible. Send me a PM with your e-mail address if you want to do this.
Mike Fox replied:I went probing the archives of the MNGRR in Portland today. Brought back 7 more photos. The girls in the archive department were great to work with. All involved so far are very eager to help and can't wait for the reprint.
Duncan Mackiewicz replied:Allan,
I looked through my own pristine copy of this booklet and I can say with certainty that an original of the photo on page 13 is available at the Bridgton Historical Society. Judy Blake and I included it in the original photo layout that was on the BHS webpage until the webpage was redone and put onto a new website. I know for a fact that there are many, many vintage photos that have been donated to the BHS since we inspected them during our setup of the webpage. I feel certain that they would be agreeable to providing you with the authority to copy whichever ones you need since you have permission from the heirs of the original author who himself had obtained permission to use the photos (especially if a copy of the reprinted booklet were provided to the BHS).
Mike Fox replied:Duncan,
Actually, the BHS had 17 photos that were in the book. 16 were in useable shape. The one picture that wasn't was the very first one. of Mel Caswell. It had red ink on the face from their stamp. But was able to find another copy at MNGRR. Just a few more left to find.
Mike Fox replied:Another update on my progress, I have acquired decent copies of the 22 of the 30 photos in the book. I have the map on page 35 in a brochure and the symbol on the table of contents page on the same brochure. A little more research to find those I haven't yet found and we will be in great shape to have a quality reproduction.
Mike Fox replied:And yet another day yesterday was spent chasing photos. This time I arranged to meet Richard Symms at the Walker Transportation collection. We only managed to find 2 or 3 that I hadn't found yet. And there were a few more that were of better quality than the ones I had. So now I am down to 5 photos.
And now I have a question. Anybody ever heard of the "Downeaster's Depot"? They also have a collection of photos and everyone I have though to ask has never heard of them. A search on the internet turns up nothing. I think reviewing a few recent books, they might have some that we need.
Mike Fox replied:Ok. As of today I have only 3 photos left to go. I have sent a scan of them to Allan Socea hoping by chance he has a good photo of them. The photos that are missing are not in any other Bridgton book I have. One was taken by L.E. Brown. Engine#8 beside a standard Gauge boxcar at Bridgton Junction. Another is Ffrom the B&SRRR itself. A picture of the switch and track that heads for Harrison. Also looks like there is possibly a Milepost in the picture. No train. Incidently, this would be the milepost that is in Beverly Mass. at Walker Transportation. The other photo is beside Hancock Pond. One of the hang on and go rides. Taking on Water at the tank. A bunch of people on shore and a boat on shore between the photograp[her and the train. Photo by Dingley. If anybody thinks they might have a copy of any of these, please check. I can send a scan of these if necessary. Only 3 to go and I want it ready for Allan when he gets back. Let me know if you can help. Thanks.
Mike Fox replied:2 photos left. Anybody have them??? Allan Socea is still looking through his collection. He found one for me earlier and is still loking for the other 2. If anybody thinks they can help, let me know. We can make arrangements.
Allan Fisher replied:The enhanced reprint of The Twenty-Four-Inch Gauge Railroad at Bridgton, Maine is now available at the Museum Store for $10.00.
Mike Fox replied:Thanks Allan. Will be sure to get that for my shelf.
Mike Fox replied:Allan,
Thanks for your contributions to the book. And the larger print is great. Another fine reproduction by the WW&F.
Wayne Laepple replied:Mike, you deserve a lot of credit for rounding up the great photos. I have written a review which should appear on the RyPN website soon, and I am also writing one for "Classic Trains."
Mike Fox replied:Thanks Wayne. I will have to check their site from time to time to see what you wrote.