Author Topic: SR&RL Caboose No 551  (Read 5443 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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SR&RL Caboose No 551
« on: December 21, 2008, 06:37:27 PM »
SR&RL Caboose No 551 has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic.
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Stephen Hussar wrote:
Some long overdue pictures of this car. The folks at Boothbay Railway Village have been busy with so many projects that I think this one sort of fell under the radar. All that, in addition to the meticulous work they do for their own grounds and collection!
The 551, on loan from MNG, got all new siding; while it was stripped, several structural wall members were repaired.  It got new rubber roofing.  The interior was refinished and painted based upon careful research and analysis of the existing layers of paint.  The result is believed to be the original Sandy River interior color.
The car emerged from the shop looking absolutely resplendent inside and out!

Mike Fox replied:
WOW!!! That is one beautiful car now. Very nice Job. When did they complete this? I see leaves on the trees and even what looks like a dandilion growing out of the ballast so I am thinking it must have been a warmer time. Thanks for the pics Stephen.

Stephen Hussar replied:
I know, Mike! Sorry -- I shot these back in late spring and kept waiting for an opportune time to post them. Between my CRAZY work schedule (which is not really a schedule), travel, and my recent computer meltdown, the pics and the story simply got lost in the shuffle.
More good stuff to come!

James Patten replied:
If Boothbay got the SR&RL boxcars and combine redone, they'd have a nice little SR&RL train they could run (minus SR&RL locomotive, of course, but perhaps some arrangement could be made).  I've wanted to see that combine rebuilt for a long time now.

Steve Klare replied:
This is probably the first narrow gauge car I ever rode on, back when I was 7 and my Aunt in New Bedford took us to Edaville. I specifically remember it was a center cupola caboose and not the end cupola style like 556, 557 etc.
It was the same week that Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. I still remember seeing that on my Uncle's TV over in Fair Haven.
It wasn't until about 10 years later I learned about the two footers and got hooked!
I'm kind of surprised this car can operate at Boothbay, I remember the curves there being pretty sharp.

James Patten replied:
Boothbay has in the last 5 or so years been relaying their track with new ties and relay rail, easing out some of the hard curves.  With the arrival of the B&SR coach last year, they had to ease the curve out of the covered bridge, on the track they haven't redone yet.

Bill Sample replied:
Thanks for posting the photos of the SR&RL 551, Stephen, and thanks to the B R V staff for the nice work.  I haven't stopped by there for a few years but now I see it's time for another visit!

Steve Klare replied:
The last time I was there I was surprised to find SR&RL track car #2
Thinking back, what a great chance I missed to see the famous Stinchfield reversing rear axle up close and personal.
Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum