I gather Brian's caboose now has a gas furnace (such luxury). it looks like a Monitor heater, but the venting is different (no air input).
Brian's caboose 554 now has a kerosene heater rated for indoor use, but it also requires electricity (fan, ignitor, etc.) Unfortunately, the west side of the Davis/Brook crossing slopes slightly above the WW&F loading gauge, which causes the generator platform to scrape the roadway at Davis/Brook crossing; so the generator has been (temporarily) removed. On 1/30/21, the heat was provided by a small camping heater fueled by Colman propane.
Hey, don't we have two cabeese?
We do. However, the consist for "Steam and Sleighs" is already 4 cars (2 coaches, open car, caboose) so to have room for social distancing. Adding a second caboose is not really doable. We did, however, run two cabeese on a Saturday when we had to cancel the sleighs (due to weather) and that was fun. Note that 320, while much more historically appropriate, is really not well-suited for passengers, especially in the winter when the baggage doors can't be open.
Ideally, I'd like to see us put a small amount of effort into doing some clean-up carpentry and paint on Brian's 554 so that we can make this a regular offering. At $125 a run, it is very lucrative.
I see one brave soul rode in the open car to TOM.
That looks like Brakeman Dan in his WW&F MOW sweatshirt.
Yep, that's Dan. For the most part the crew was either riding the open car or on the vestibule. Passenger interaction is kept to a minimum.
I hope these folks will consent to our use of a clip from their fun video for advertising.
They posted it on our Facebook page where at least one member has started sharing it around. While the YouTube video is public, it is not set to allow linking from other YouTube Channel playlists like ours.