Author Topic: Boothbay shop photos  (Read 13344 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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Boothbay shop photos
« on: December 21, 2008, 06:35:21 PM »
Boothbay shop photos has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Stephen Hussar wrote:
All, a few shots of the phenomenal work going on over at the Boothbay Ry Village shop. Brian and Jason continue work on WW&F No 9's new boiler, along with many other projects. Note the mud ring fit-up on the firebox. The firebox will eventually be slid inside from below and 'stayed' in place. Lots of drilling and grinding at this point with riveting coming up next. Simply amazing to see. I always leave there with the feeling that anything is possible!

Brian and Jason look over the drawings...

Close-up of the mudring...

Brian chamfering holes in the braces...note the boiler from one of the Henschels behind him...

Jason cleans up the front tube sheet with the grinder...

tomc replied:
Very nice, thanks for posting
Tom C.

Stephen Hussar replied:
In the non-narrow gauge category, the guys are also rebuilding the tender tank from Conway Scenic's 0-6-0 No 7470. This is a fairly major rebuild which entails new framing, baffles and exterior panels. The photo shows new steel sheets arriving at the shop.

James Patten replied:
No wonder they just got a forklift, if they have to haul at that steel around.

Mike Fox replied:
Thanks for posting Stephen.
Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum