I've been remiss in posting the photos that I shot during the museum's Annual Picnic back in August. These photos were taken during the special photo excursion that was run on Saturday evening, August 12th. The scenario for the event was that a small unit of Maine-based soldiers....perhaps a National Guard Unit...was breaking camp and preparing to embark on a railway journey that would take them to a major port, where they would ship out to join the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. This was a very enjoyable event to photograph and somewhat different from a typical photo charter in which all of the photographers simply line up and shoot "fish in a barrel." In this case, the event was more like a skit, and the photographer had the challenge of trying to anticipate where the shot would be....and stay out of the sight lines of other photographers at the same time.
Anyway, here are hundreds of frames....condensed down to 15 images that I hope have captured the story line of this event: to the museum and the re-enactors for putting this event on. I'm hoping this isn't the last appearance we'll see of the "doughboys" up at the WW&F!
/Kevin Madore