Alna Center Report -
* Trains - Running two trains worked well with the meet being at AC. Northbound trains held the main while southbound trains went in the hole. This operation gave visitors options as to when they could ride the complete trip and when they could detrain to enjoy the attractions at AC. The AC crew worked well with guiding guests to games, the music tent, treats and hay ride.
* Hay Ride - The AA truck earned it's keep. I drove 8 trips and Mike drove 5. Most rides I gave were filled with 10 - 12 people.
* Games - Our traditional games like sack races, bean bag toss, bobbing for apples, kite flying and pumpkin decorating were popular. We saw many happy kids.
* Moonlight Special - In a word, WOW. Steve P. did an outstanding job planning the event. He, along with Alan Downey and other volunteers spent much time on it and it showed with close to 100 people gathering at AC at dusk. We needed a 3 car train to carry the passengers up to the talk by our guest speaker, Mr. John Bunker. The crowd assembled in a semi-circle around the camp fire that Mr. Bunker stood next to. The history of Maine apple trees and orchards along with descriptions of the types and shipping of apples made for a fascinating talk. Our very own Dana Wigwam Deering warmed up the large crowd with his famous "Moose Callair" story. Adding to the sunset scene was a nice camp fire and 500 luminaries marking pathways to the cider tent and AC depot. It was a nice event that impressed even veteran WW&F volunteers. The train proceeded north to ToM after dropping off the guests. The crew had a lay over at ToM until the talk was done and returned to AC to board the passengers. The station lanterns and stove made a nice place to catch the train. The guests kept telling us how much they enjoyed the train ride, camp fire, fresh cider (made from local apples, some from along the R-O-W) and Mr. Bunker's talk. They even gave us a round of applause before boarding the train. The ride back with oil lamps lighting the coaches was a real treat. Back at Sheepscot, the yard crew set lit switch lamps for the north and south mainline switches which hasn't been done in years. The switch lamps really looked great!