So we need to come up with some ideas of what visitors can do at Top of the Mountain. If a trackside area was mowed and maintained, perhaps with a bench or two, people could get off and a trainman could describe our plans for the sawmill/shingle mill complex. If an information board was installed showing the proposed track layout there, with the inclusion of the track going down the mountain, commentary could be offered explaining the location's original use and our plans for the future. As has been mentioned previously, a loop walking path could be built and maintained so that people could take a short walk around the property. Even smoothing and clearing the road to the Porcupine Palace would provide a place for folks to stretch their legs.
Yes! This- I agree with Bob and Wayne that some limited development at ToM before the mill gets build would be really handy in improving the visitor experience! "Make it a fascinating destination, not just a static turnaround". I love that! I have a proposal in hand from a museum member about building an interpretive trail there and expanding some of our options at ToM. Bob, is this something you'd be interested in helping to develop along with a couple of others?
Just to clarify- the boxcar on the train would not be used for pick ups and set-outs. As I understand it, a boxcar that was designated LCL would run through, all the way from one end of the line to the other. My thought would be to run a consist such as the boxcar and coach 8 or coach 3. The boxcar would be open for display while the train is on the platform at Sheepscot. I'll be trying it as conductor once we get the trucks under 309 in good shape. As Ed said, for now, as work is being completed on the trucks, it will stay in Sheepscot and be open for the public.
Joe, some of those waybills and associated documents (I'm not sure how they all worked together- need some help figuring that bit out) will be part of the boxcar display. Thanks!
I had thought that doubling the hill would normally be tough on passengers (who would want to it around just for the loco to pic up some other cars), but if you had the mill at ToM, people could go through and tour the mill, etc. while the engine picked up the rest of the cars. Plus, visitors would get to see the engine screaming up the mountain with the rest of their train. It could be really cool one day. It's at least worth trying!