Bob, thanks! You also make a good point about loading and unloading. Joe, this would be a great place to step in and help us. Before we are to do any trail construction, I think we should focus a part of our energy on getting the Head Tide trail into fine fettle. Concurrently, though, if we could build a safe unloading area at ToM, that is important and relevant now. Today Jason mentioned using the unloading platforms Joe built as the basis for an unloading area at ToM. Joe, how do you feel about that? I'd like to get us a station set up at ToM.
The way I see it, these are our goals, in order:
1. Develop a safe passenger unloading area at ToM
2. Return the Head Tide Trail to a good state of maintainence
3. Survey possible routes and points of interest on a ToM Trail
4. Develop information and signage for ToM Trail
5. Attract additional volunteers whose interest would be the upkeep and maintainence of said trails (unless this is a core interest for several of us)
6. Lay out the ToM Trail during the Fall/Early winter
7. Continue a scheduled maintainence on the trail system.