Author Topic: TOM Phase 1: Passenger Platforms and Hiking Trails - Official Work Thread  (Read 34564 times)

Wayne Laepple

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I may be off base here, but I believe that one of the trails built by the SVCA comes close to the northwest corner of our property. And it occurs to me that if the old road mentioned above goes down to Trout Brook, it's probable that it forded the stream and went up the other side. Obviously, someone needs to get out there and follow the road to its end. Since the SVCA trail is at least partially on logging roads, it follows logically that there may be some connecting pathway. If we decided to try to develop a trail, it would not require a lot of new construction or clearing, more like getting rid of some saplings and small trees, maybe cutting up a few that have fallen, to be followed by paint "blazes" on trees every 100 feet or so to delineate the trail.

Mike Fox

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I walked the other side last spring, looking at our property and checking for corners. No road coming up. I suspect some logging took place on the plain by the brook and they used the gentle slope to haul up over, or a farmer had the road to get to the brook.
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Philip Marshall

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Their Trout Brook Preserve has a trail that appears to be located in part on our ROW (just beyond the Trout Brook crossing).  

Will this be a problem as we build northward?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 03:30:41 PM by Ed Lecuyer »

Mike Fox

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We own the land the trail is on. We can simply relocate the trail to run beside the track, keeping it on our land.
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Wayne Laepple

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So we need to come up with some ideas of what visitors can do at Top of the Mountain. If a trackside area was mowed and maintained, perhaps with a bench or two, people could get off and a trainman could describe our plans for the sawmill/shingle mill complex. If an information board was installed showing the proposed track layout there, with the inclusion of the track going down the mountain, commentary could be offered explaining the location's original use and our plans for the future. As has been mentioned previously, a loop walking path could be built and maintained so that people could take a short walk around the property. Even smoothing and clearing the road to the Porcupine Palace would provide a place for folks to stretch their legs.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 07:39:57 AM by Wayne Laepple »

Joe Fox

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We currently tell everyone about the future plans at ToM, the goals with future track laying and the purpose of the original siding on board the train during the layover at ToM.

Maybe another idea would be to print off some replicated waybills or car reports so people can see how things were kept on record?

Bob Holmes

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I really resonate with Wayne's ideas for TOM.  Make it a fascinating destination, not just a static turnaround.  And it wouldn't be that hard to do.  We would need one of Joe's platforms for detraining, and the rest would be a series of small projects to capture attention.

I also support Steve's ideas for running mixed trains on a regular basis.  Not eveyone who rides the train is an avid railfan looking for the best pictures from the open car.  Most could probably not care less if there were a boxcar in the consist.

Bob Holmes

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Steve, I've sent you my contact information.

Joe, the best way you help us get started is to begin to figure out how best to provide a detraining/boarding "method" at TOM.  I say method, because I don't really know the real estate that well.  Not sure what structures might be required, how to work with train movements, etc., etc.

But we can't do anything up there unless we figure out a way to get passengers safely and smoothly onto the TOM grounds.

P.S.  I know you're really good at this.


Stephen Piwowarski

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Bob, thanks! You also make a good point about loading and unloading. Joe, this would be a great place to step in and help us. Before we are to do any trail construction, I think we should focus a part of our energy on getting the Head Tide trail into fine fettle. Concurrently, though, if we could build a safe unloading area at ToM, that is important and relevant now. Today Jason mentioned using the unloading platforms Joe built as the basis for an unloading area at ToM. Joe, how do you feel about that? I'd like to get us a station set up at ToM.
The way I see it, these are our goals, in order:
1. Develop a safe passenger unloading area at ToM
2. Return the Head Tide Trail to a good state of maintainence
3. Survey possible routes and points of interest on a ToM Trail
4. Develop information and signage for ToM Trail
5. Attract additional volunteers whose interest would be the upkeep and maintainence of said trails (unless this is a core interest for several of us)
6. Lay out the ToM Trail during the Fall/Early winter
7. Continue a scheduled maintainence on the trail system.

Joe Fox

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Lol. Well if desired, I am more than happy to relocate one of the four platforms I built and put it at ToM, and or build a larger one so that it can traverse the ditch more effectively. Actually a 8×8 platform would probably work better there, but will need to be in a location that is good as it will nit be able to be moved easily. Said platform could then be used as the unloading platform at the same location once the shingle mill is completed.

I don't mind using an already built platform, however I feel a specificly built 8x8 or 8x10 would work better.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 07:50:44 PM by Joe Fox »

Joe Fox

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Joe, I am apt to agree with you on that. I feel something more in line with the size of the Alna Center Platform would be appropriate. I guess it would be helpful if it could move, but if we really put our thinking caps on and determine a final location, that would be great. I think your intention for the platforms was for them to be temporary and moveable, like for a special event, so maybe we could use one of those in the meantime.

It could be moved. But it will require the use of either the crane or 4 guys to move it.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 06:51:34 AM by Ed Lecuyer »

Stephen Piwowarski

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Ok, let's come up for some preliminary designs about what we want the station/platform area to look like. Meanwhile it has been mentioned that woodchips/mulch can be put down as a helpful weed block on the trail through the field to keep maintainence down. I hadn't though of that before.

Also, does anyone have experience building or installing 12V battery powered LED DC lighting systems? I'm looking for someone who has built one.


Mike Fox

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We are going to need a mower for TOM. So, this is and has been my thought. The little blue tractor (Mitsubishi) can be stored up there with a suitable mower. The trails can be mowed with the tractor as long as they are properly sloped. I have a couple of good starter trails up there now, out to stump row. Then the 4 wheeler trail to porcupine palace way. And back to TOM. 20 minute walk. I would like to see a spur off of the loop to the brook down the gentle sloping twitch road. A small loop could be cleared out along the brook, just by doing some limbing. Lots of work.
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Bob Holmes

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Could we use one of the small culvert sections (currently at the washout) as a permanent way of helping to bridge the ditch?

Mike Fox

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There are 3 short sections at TOM now, south side of the clearing.
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