WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
Ron Ginger:
Today we pulled the coach outside for the first time since it was painted. We were able to see the deep green color in real sunlight. I think it looks great.
Mike Fox:
It looks great
John Kokas:
I really like the natural finish on the window frames. I think as we do maintenance on our other cars that we strip and naturally finish those windows as well. Would make for convenient wintertime projects if cars are kept inside the carbarn for the winter.
Ron Ginger:
Eric is working on new or repaired, windows for coach 8 in his home shop. He took home a stack of new glass this week. Where the old windows would be to hard to strip and varnish he has found a paint that looks close enough in color.
As other coaches are restored I think this new color and the varnished window look will become our standard finish.
Eric Schade:
I sanded the old windows on coach 8. It does not seem practical to sand them to bare wood...I tried. I have primed them in prep for repainting a bright brown to match the stained and varnished windows on coach 9. Tempered Glass to be installed starting today.
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