WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Coach 9 - Official Work Thread

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Bruce Wilson:
I have a vague recollection of a pair of railings having been found in the engine house on the Ramsdell Farm. All these years later, I don't remember actually seeing them. I thought there was some discussion about them however.

Marcel Levesque:
Flat car #126 was built with some of the metal components from Edaville open excursion car #202.

Bill Reidy:
Let's not forget WW&F flatcar No. 118, the first car our Museum restored 30 years ago.  All new wood, with metal components from the original car.  Here's an August 14th, 1993 photo of the restored car.  A fine start to our shop craftsmen's now well established reputation of fine car restoration and new construction.

Looking forward to coach No. 9's completion and coach No. 3's future restoration.

Marcel Levesque:
Ahhhhhhh....the early years.  This area sure looks alot different now and the mainline had not yet reached Davis Curve.   This was at about the time of the transition from the Sheepscot Valley Railroaders to the WW&F Railway Museum.  Lest we forget.....you cannot know where you are going until you know where you've been. 

Fred Morse:
I've been going every since I've been to the railroad!


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