But wait, there's more!
Now we need a few castings for the Jackson and Sharp reproduction trucks.
From left, going clockwise: The core boxes for the journal box, the journal box (this is a top-opening version as on coach 3), the female center plate for the truck, the bearing wedge (or shim), the bolster spring seat (locates the elliptical leaf springs top and bottom), the transom truss rod end plate, and in the middle, the transom truss rod seat.
The journal box lid (right) and its core box:
Since we are reproducing the J&S trucks, we are using J&S brake heads and shoes, thus new patterns for those are needed.
The brake head (top side of the mold board, note the 2-up configuration):
The bottom side of the same mold board, which forms the curved bottom surface and a pocket to accept the bolt head:
The brake shoe pattern is confusing. This top side view forms the features above the back of the brake shoe, two locating ridges and a loop for attaching it to the brake head. There is a core required to form the hole in the loop -- that's the wing-like thing going across.
The bottom of the same pattern -- this is the actual shoe portion.
There are two more patterns I intend to do for the trucks: the truck side bearings and a new 2-up pattern for the brass bearings.