WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Coach 8 - Official Work Thread

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Paul Uhland:
Since two doors are now being built, will be hauled to site,  and  similar install mods can easily continue across the car, why not just hang both doors when they arrive and be done with the whole project, easily in time for this season's run schedule? Also, it won't matter which way 8 travels , would  provide access/egress on either side.

Ed Lecuyer:
[Moderators Note]
Portions of this discussion have been moved to the "Members Only" section of the WW&F Forum.

Dave Crow:

I'm not sure if you remember, but when Coach 8 was at Edaville, vandals set fire to it and it had a major rebuild from the floor up.  Others can correct me, but I believe the damage to one end of our Coach 3 (if you look inside the access hatch into the platform roof area, there is charred wood) occurred then, as Coach 3 was coupled to then-numbered 26.

Nice work on the doors!

Dave Crow

Stewart "Start" Rhine:
Door installation on the other side of the car would take more work because the steam heat pipe runs under the bench.

Paul Uhland:
Having handicap doors on both sides of 8 would be a great advantage  and well worth the extra work re-routing the steam pipe. How often is steam heat used?


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