WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Coach 8 - Official Work Thread
Bill Baskerville:
--- Quote from: Eric Schade on April 21, 2024, 08:25:01 PM ---There certainly are windows in the doors. One has been installed for several years this is the second to allow access to both sides if necessary.
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Interestingly, I looked at the date on the page two post when I finished the two doors, which was March 2017. So getting both handicapped/baggage doors installed on coach 8 has been a 7 year process.
We may be slow, but we are good! And, we eventually make progress and complete our tasks.
Mike Fox:
Coach 8 in new paint..
John Kokas:
Will Coach 3 receive the same paint scheme?
Ed Lecuyer:
--- Quote from: John Kokas on May 11, 2024, 07:46:24 PM ---Will Coach 3 receive the same paint scheme?
--- End quote ---
All of the coaches will (eventually) be painted to match the color as researched and confirmed as the 'original' color used by the W&Q as-built. So yes.
Dante Lakin:
I've heard tale of work on Coach 8 happening this weekend, what kinds of work is on the docket? Is there gonna be work for someone who isn't a woodworker to join in the fun?
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