Work done on Saturday November 26:
* Boxcar 67: Zack keeps working on the roof rafters, he has the two longitudinal timbers in halfway down the roof, but still needs to cut the peak timber down to size/shape.
* Joint bars: Fred, Steve Z, and myself brought back another yellow car-ful of joint bars, from the ones that were sitting at the woodline north of Alna Center. These bars were stored on wood boards, most of which have now rotted away. The bars are stored behind the garage.
* ROW mowing: Joe mowed from the trestle to Trask Crossing.
* Rail: Fred, myself, Greg, Carlos, and Jerry (joined by Joe in the PM) moved the rail at MP 7 from the pile/ground to the railpile that was set up by the Top of the Mountain. After that we stacked up the timbers used to stack it on the yellow car and brought them back to Sheepscot, where Fred may dispose of them later in the coming week. During the rail moving we discovered a 56 - 75 pound rail compromise joint bar.
* Archives: Linda was printing out old photographs on photo paper (once I got the printer going again).
* Measuring: I walked the newly-laid tracks this year with the measuring wheel.