I have worked with the gentleman who made that request for photos, and am a bit familiar with the reason for this particular request. I wish I had some photos to offer him and would really like to see some sort of photography session up there, similar to the ones that the WW&F folks did in March and April. From what I understand, the Phillips operation may not have a lot of track, but they do have some interesting infrastructure, including a roundhouse and turntable. They also have a fair amount of rolling stock. If all goes according to plan, they should also have MRR#3 back up there shortly. If the locomotive could be re-lettered for the SR&RL, and day/night photo session could be arranged, it could produce some pretty compelling images for the internet that might get more people up there, either to visit or to volunteer. The place is largely a secret now, and the remote location makes the situation even tougher.
I've often thought that a combination of photo events at the WW&F and the SR&RL might make it attractive for one of the well-known charter operators (Lerro, HTP, etc.) to do a multi-day event in Maine. In order to get their diverse clients to travel from all over the country, they need to be able to provide 2-3 days of events....to justify the airfares, hotels, rental cars etc. To me, one of the big attractions of the Maine 2 ft museums is that they are among just a handful of places where authentic trains can be re-created.