WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Casey the Bulldozer - Official Work Thread

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Brendan Barry:
The excavating and grading crew has wanted a dozer for awhile and asked the board of directors for money for a dozer. Funds were appropriated and the search was on for a machine. After a month and half of looking the museum purchased a Case 450 dozer this week. We bought a dozer small enough to load on a flat car so we can use the dozer for grading right of way as the main line progresses.

Stopped at the Kennebunk rest area to check the chains.

The dozer was put to work clearing next to the garage and the end of the future woods track.

John McNamara:
Great pictures!

A few years ago one of our visitors was a fan of ancient tractors and was very interested in our TerraLoader. If the TerraLoader is a CASE product, maybe this new addition will cause us to become a stop on tours by CASE enthusiasts.  ;)


Fred L. Kuhns:
 The BOD did a fine job of buying a right sized bulldozer. Now they will have to build a dozer barn with a rock floor.  Mike is really good at putting in the frost heave post.   Fred L. Kuhns

Ira Schreiber:
Is this our Case?


Fred Morse:
What these 40 and 50 year old young people have done is wear us old people out and now making it easier for themselves.


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