Recap of Spring Work Weekend:
* Top of Mountain Track: Mostly serviceable, needs some work on one of the switches but otherwise fully ballasted, tamped, and ready to go.
* Loco 9: Lots of work in smokebox, on running gear. The old smokebox and boiler were reunited.
* Car storage building: The east side staging planks were raised.
* Shop building: The snow plow damage was repaired. East side windows were also repaired.
* Food: Lots of good meals were prepared.
* Garage: Wired for 20 amp service (feeding off the restroom).
* Coach 8: Windows were repaired.
* Hydrant: The hydrant in Bay 3 was dug out by fellows from the Naugatuck, the pipe replaced and approved by Zack, and the hole filled back in.
* Firewood: Much of the firewood was split and stacked.
* Rules Review on Saturday
* Magneto phone line: the fault in the line between AC and TOM was found and repaired.