This has been a busy week at the RR.
Monday's crew was Jonathan, Randy, Eric and myself, focused mostly on no 9 cross head and valve work, Eric on the new whistle.
Tuesday I went to Pittsfield where Leverett Fernald, CMO of Downeast Scenic RR, New England Steam (restoring 470), and Cianbro's only on-staff machinist, surface ground our valves for us. Meanwhile, Steve Z spent time digging out the snow banks left against the doors from plowing last week.
Today's crew was Jonathan, JB Smith, Eric, Randy, a new fellow (I'll get his name), myself and I saw Stewart signed in also- though he was over in the garage.
It was a VERY productive day- no 10's rear truck reassembled and reinstalled, snow bank removal completed, cars taken out, inspected and spotted for Saturday's event, no 9's whistle brought near completion, right cross head finish assembled, left valve seat lapped (more to go), valve chests and caps cleaned, first valve stem set up in lathe and re-turning begun. Not sure what Stewart was up to... It's fun to be this busy mid-week, and we made great acriss-the-board progress.
Note- this is all true, regardless of the date!
See ya