We are now one month into posting photos from the early days of the museum on the WW&F facebook page. The posts are made every Thursday and the response has been phenomenal. So far we've shown the framing of bay 1 and laying of the first rail.
This week we present a special Backward Glance to comemorate Harry restarting the W&Q RR charter which was done 25 years ago today. Two photos are presented showing a look south at the Sheepscot Yard area. The first view is from the Summer of 1990 while the second image shows the view from the same spot 14 years later.
Much work has gone into the sorting, scanning, dating/captioning and posting of the images and the facebook team appreciates the support of WW&F members and friends with the project. If the positive comments made on-line and heard during the Work Weekend are any indication of how the photos are enjoyed, the Thursday posts will continue for the rest of the year.