Work done on weekend of October 11 - 14:
* Garage: Three walls were built, the roof rafters were put up, and the roof was sheathed. Diagonal bracing was put in, as were cross pieces between the vertical studs.
* Track: Track between the south yard limit at Alna Center up to the north yard switch was jacked, tamped, lined, and stoned. Also the northernmost switch timbers for the spur were dug out and placed.
* Charter: A UK group chartered the train on Friday morning, as part of the last day of a two week swing through New England for foliage and steam.
* Loco 9: The engine was taken down off its blocks on Friday, and had the springs adjusted. It was rolled into Bay 2 and work began on the rear truck, grates, grate shaker, smokebox attachments, etc.
* Food: Lots of great food put on by Linda and the crew.
* Surveying: The location of the turntable, run-through track of the engine house, and car shed were determined and memorialized with stakes and spray paint on the ground.
Generally a very productive weekend. 40+ on Friday, 70+ on Saturday, 50+ on Sunday, and 20 or so Monday.