WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

WW&F No. 51 (The Brookville) - Official Work Thread

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Jay Barta:
Sorry, thanks I've learned way more about cranberries than I'd like. By the way you're the aforementioned "Continental Whisperer"

Mike Fox:
I'm not much of a whisperer.. But I can still smell that varnished gas from the Shingle Mill Conti..never have I seen one that bad. It has been a couple years, time to get that one running again..

John Kokas:
Time to start planning & designing the sawmill and shingle mill.

Bill Reidy:
Wow!  That's a terrific history, Jay.  Thanks for researching and writing it.  Separately, I was going to update 51's roster page today (http://wordpress.wwfry.org/?page_id=192 -- I've been slowly updating the roster pages the last two months), but I see your information should be added to the page.

Here's a few related photos:

March 1948 Cranberries magazine ad for Brookville's "Cranberry Special."

Recent photo of 51's builder's plate, courtesy of Stewart Rhine.

Brendan Barry photo of 51 in service taken during the Fall 2015 Work Weekend.  See http://forum.wwfry.org/index.php/topic,2548.msg24623.html#msg24623

john d Stone:
Here's a SWW photo of 51 by the water tower. Didn't take on water, as I recall. Not sure which year, but it rained a lot.

Happy New Year!


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