WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
WW&F No. 51 (The Brookville) - Official Work Thread
Bill Reidy:
--- Quote from: Ed Lecuyer on September 02, 2021, 05:34:21 PM ---Bulletin Order 9-4-2021 indicates that Track Car #51, the Brookville, is now back in service.
Bravo to Jay for getting this completed!
--- End quote ---
I second the bravo to Jay. Well deserved. Thanks!
Bill Baskerville:
hooray, Thanks Jay, the Brookville is a great help for various track and ROW maintenance activities. We've missed it.
Mike Fox:
Thanks Jay
Brendan Barry:
Bill installed a new seat with cupholder on 51 today.
John Kokas:
While I'm driving, can I also get a shave and a trim before going home :o :o :o
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