Author Topic: Monson Rolling Stock  (Read 15117 times)

Roger Whitney

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Monson Rolling Stock
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:20:37 AM »

   Most students of the Monson Railroad are generally familiar with what they had for rolling stock.  But for those of you who aren’t, lets take a quick look at what they had.
   Monson started out with Locomotives No.1 and No.2.  They were both built by Hinckley and were nearly identical.  Later in 1913, after 30 years, they were wearing out and were replaced by No. 3 in 1913 and 4 in 1918. They were both built by Vulcan Iron Works.  These were nearly identical also with but a few differences.  This was the only motive power the Monson had, with the possible exception of a motorized work car built by Elwin French.
   Next were the boxcars.  There were eight of them numbered 1 thru 8.  They measured 26 feet long.  Originally in 1883 there were only TWO boxcars, the other six being converted from flatcars.  They were unique in that they had side ladders next to their side doors. See blog number 24.
   There were three different flatcar lengths.  Eight 25-foot cars were numbered 9 thru 16.  Numbers 17 thru 22 were 26 feet long.  And flats 23 and 24 were 26 footers which were purchased after the Boyd-Harvey Lumber company was done with them.  See blog No. 7. 
   Of course the Monson was in the snow belt of Maine so they had to have a snow plow.  But curiously they didn’t have one for years until one was eventually ordered.  When it finally came, it was not numbered.  Also they had a snow spreader built on flatcar No. 9’s body to push the snow back.  It was a curious affair.  If you happen to have my book published in 1988 there is a line drawing of this unique piece of equipment.
   And lastly, the Monson had just ONE piece of passenger equipment. It was a combination car 28 foot 3 inches long, built by Laconia Car company.  It was numbered 3 but early on it was numbered 1. I’ll do a more detailed future blog on this combine.
   Except for a few handcars that’s about it.  Not much is it?  But the fleet served the Monson well for 60 years!