The Bay one door was too tall by a few inches due to the cement floor. This meant taking it apart enough to get to the bottom of the door. Luckily it was all screwed together and came apart fairly easily on the inside. The outside had many coats of paint filling the screw heads so I had to clean each head with a small screwdriver to get the screws out.
Zack trimmed the inside boards top length, cut and re-installed the bottom 2x6 in the door, then trimmed the outside boards to over lap the cement. He then trimmed the 45 degree angle on the doors to fit properly. The East door went up first, then came back down for a little more trimming. The second time worked perfectly. The west door went in like a glove.
We figured last weekend that the center (Bay 2) door would have to be cut down roughly 7 inches. That is next on the agenda. That should be easy compared to the Bay 1 door.